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Tag: Wildlife



The first thing I thought of when I read this weeks PhotoFriday theme, “Wildlife,” was the African Savannah. The lions, gazelles, giraffes, all the famous big mammals. Unfortunately I’ve never been. So I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with this picture of a goat I took in Corsica. The thing I like about it is the sad look in his eyes; he may not be wild but he wants to be.


Introducing two new additions to the Darlington household…


![Bob]( "Bob")

And Cornelius Maximus Wilmington the 4th:

![Cornelius Maximus Wilmington the 4th]( "Cornelius Maximus Wilmington the 4th")
Cornelius Maximus Wilmington the 4th

Blame B for the names!

March of the Penguins

You’ve already seen once my disdain for Christian extremists. This week I found one more reason when we went to see “La Marche de l’empereur (2005),” or “March of the Penguins” if you, like me, can only read English.

As you may be aware, the Christian Right have adopted this movie as an example of both monogamy and Intelligent Design. If you’ve seen the film you’ll realise that it’s neither.