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Tag: Travel

Is making a phone call really the most annoying thing you can do on a plane?

Apparently US regulators are considering what to do about WiFi phone callson planes. Their rationale is that many passengers think that people making phone calls is annoying.

But is that the real reason? If airlines were worried about passenger comfort would they allow the seat-back satellite phones? Is the difference here, perhaps, that they can charge a lot for calls? (Kind of another net neutrality debate, but at 37 000′.)

Similarly, if customer comfort was a priority, surely we?d get more leg space. And better air. And fewer jerks that sit in front of you and recline the seat immediately after take-off.


It’s a Monday night and no one that lives here goes out for dinner. Most of the restaurants are shut for one thing.

It’s dark and starting to get a little cold so I don’t feel like wandering around for too long. I manage to find somewhere open on a square near a tram stop.

The restaurant is pleasantly busy. There’s a family and a few couples. There are also three men, other than me, dining alone.


When I think of “Stillness,” this weeks PhotoFriday challenge, I tend to think of a lake; an apparently unmoving body of water. (A lot of the other entries, to my eyes at least, don’t represent “Stillness.” Of course, mine may well miss the mark for them…)

Whatever its merits, this one was taken near Spooner Lake, which is very near Lake Tahoe.

I didn’t have an entry in the last challenge, so there’s no need to vote for me(!).