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Tag: Protest

Write to your MP about Brexit!

I’m sick of last years referendum on our membership of the EU being used to justify… pretty much anything. And any criticism is met with “you have to respect the will of the people.”

Well, I’m a person and I don’t think my will is being respected by many politicians and much of the media. The result of the referendum doesn’t say that people are happy with a so-called Hard Brexit, dismantling the NHS or using EU citizens as negotiation pawns.

My bookmarks for February 26th through March 7th

My bookmarks for September 16th through September 19th

  • Protest The Pope – My images from todays “Protest the Pope” march and rally in London.
  • Introducing: Yummy 2.5 – New version of Yummy, my iOS client, is now available on the App Store. Now includes iPad support, works better on iOS4 and has experimental support.