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Tag: Ios

My bookmarks for January 10th through January 30th

My bookmarks for October 23rd through October 27th

My bookmarks for October 13th through October 20th

www.cut 3.0

I’m very pleased to announce the new version of www.cut, a major release including an almost complete rewrite of all the UI code and a bunch of stuff under the hood. You don’t care about that, but it does bring you iPad support, the ability to lengthen already shortened URLs and the ability to sync your settings between devices using iCloud.

The iCloud bit, as with lots of stuff under the hood, means that it will only work on devices that run iOS5.

My bookmarks for June 9th through June 10th


The cartoon1 for today’s Dilbert Day to Day Desk Calendar seemed appropriate for some things that are happening in the mobile software industry at the moment.

If you’ve not been following events — shame on you — then you can read all about it here. In summary, a number of small developers have been sued by a “patent troll,” that is a company that does not develop or make anything but demands royalties for the use of “intellectual property” it bought.

My bookmarks for June 2nd through June 7th

My bookmarks for February 8th through February 9th

  • The rise and rise of the cognitive elite – “It seems unfair that footballers, bankers and tycoons earn more money than they know what to do with whereas jobless folk and single parents struggle to pay the rent, notes Mr Saunders. Yet it also seems unfair to take money from those who have worked hard and give it to those who have not, or to take away the profits of those who have risked their life savings to bring a new invention to market in order to help those who have risked nothing.”
  • Jaguar E-Type turns 50 – Some designs can stand the test of time. The Jaguar E-Type is one of them.
  • iOS Debugging Magic – Some great iOS debugging hints.