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Tag: Humour

My bookmarks for July 22nd through July 23rd

My bookmarks for June 4th through June 12th

My bookmarks for April 30th through May 7th

My bookmarks for April 8th through April 11th

  • London teen orders ‘cab, innit’ – Barely believable but very funny!
  • Billy Bragg: Why should songwriters starve so others get rich? – “I never bought that Home Taping Is Killing Music shit in the 1980s that the record companies tried to lay on us. In fact I printed on the front of my fourth album that Capitalism is Killing Music. And that’s what’s happening now. The powerful start-ups a
  • What Idiot Wrote These Ten Commandments? – “Where’s the stuff we can use? Where’s ‘No pushing’? Or ‘Bag your leaves so they don’t blow around in your neighbor’s yard?’ And don’t even get me started on right-of-way. Didn’t they have real problems back in Bible days?”

My bookmarks for January 21st through January 28th

My bookmarks for January 17th through January 20th