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Tag: Humour

My bookmarks for March 31st through April 2nd

My bookmarks for June 12th through June 15th

  • Life after Humph – “The show is such a fixture, such a massive part of the radio landscape, I think British radio would be the poorer without it so they made a great decision.” Couldn’t have said it better myself. Welcome back I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue
  • Iran election: state moves to end ‘Facebook revolution’ – At best this is very suspicious. And changes are we’re not talking about a best case scenario here. Let’s hope that those in power see sense.
  • I stole your images, put them back or I will call a lawyer? – When people steal my images I’m never sure whether I should be flattered or offended. If I ever get an email like this I’ll know which way to think…

My bookmarks for June 3rd through June 11th

Yorkshire’s Influence on Sweden

![“Ej Upp” sign, Stockholm underground]( ““Ej Upp” sign, Stockholm underground”)

I was confused by these signs. Surely “Ej upp” is a greeting? And if so, why is it in red with a “no entry” icon?

At the risk of detracting from what it supposed to be humour, some northern English dialect is actually descended from Scandinavia. Though whenever I see most of these comparison charts I don’t recognise half the words!

My bookmarks for May 8th through May 18th

My bookmarks for April 28th through May 3rd

My bookmarks for April 22nd through April 25th

  • American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse – Who doesn’t love a good mystery?
  • The Holy Faceble: Genesis:1-2 – The more I learn about Facebook, the less I want to join. Same with this god stuff.
  • Rejected. – “It’s just frustrating when the problems crop up, because compared to nearly everything else about the whole setup, the problems seem so arbitrary, avoidable, and developer-hostile. For instance, this problem wouldn’t be nearly as frustrating if approval, even for minor updates to established apps, took less than 7-14 days.” Not that I’m bitter than a minor update to Yummy recently got rejected or anything…

My bookmarks for April 14th through April 17th

  • Three Cheers for Afghan Women – it’s a little depressing to think that, as the article notes, this is actually progress.
  • Audio slideshow: Sir Clement Freud – I only really know Clement Freud for his contribution to Just A Minute. I remember that I wasn’t sure what to make of him when I first heard his lists and slow, deliberate delivery, but that changed pretty quickly. It won’t be the same without him.
  • Laptop Hunters: Homeless Frank – If you’ve not seen Microsoft’s new adverts this probably won’t make much sense. If you have, you’ll realise that Frank’s analysis of the PCs is more nuanced that the supposedly “real” people in the original videos.

My bookmarks for March 2nd through March 10th

My bookmarks for February 26th through February 28th