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Tag: History

My bookmarks for May 8th through May 18th

My bookmarks for April 22nd through April 25th

  • American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse – Who doesn’t love a good mystery?
  • The Holy Faceble: Genesis:1-2 – The more I learn about Facebook, the less I want to join. Same with this god stuff.
  • Rejected. – “It’s just frustrating when the problems crop up, because compared to nearly everything else about the whole setup, the problems seem so arbitrary, avoidable, and developer-hostile. For instance, this problem wouldn’t be nearly as frustrating if approval, even for minor updates to established apps, took less than 7-14 days.” Not that I’m bitter than a minor update to Yummy recently got rejected or anything…

My bookmarks for February 17th through February 24th

My bookmarks for January 19th through January 21st

Top 10 (2008)

It’s that time of year where every magazine and website does a retrospective, regurgitating old material with no shame. I didn’t want to miss out this year. Digging into my Google Analytics logs I found the following…

Ten most read pages this year:

  1. Installing Oracle 10g XE on CentOS 4. This page was actually 35% more popular this year than last despite the ageing versions of both Linux and Oracle
  2. Sri Lanka. This has been one of my most popular pages for years, although it took a 50% dive in page impressions this year due to the loss of a single referrer
  3. Oracle on Linux Installation Howto
  4. Minolta Dual Scan II film scanner review. Another surprise given the age of the scanner and the rise of digital cameras
  5. Belkin WiFi (Skype) Phone review
  6. Photobook Group Test (Part 1)
  7. Printing-1 Photobook Review (Part 1)
  8. Photobook Group Test (Part 3)
  9. Sophia Smith
  10. Photobook Group Test (Part 4)

Somehow part two of my photobook group test slipped out of the top ten.

Eight Best Computer Books

It’s been over five years since I last told you about my favourite computer and programming related books (don’t believe the date on that article. It’s been edited lightly a couple of times since I first posted it).

Having said that, some things have not changed. The vast majority of books on the shelves of your local retailer are very specific. Publishers seem to eschew broad, generally useful texts in preference for yet another beginners guide to Microsoft Word or C++ (or, more likely, Visual C++ 2005 Special Easter Edition SP2). I do not understand this. Sure, there’s a genuine need for “how to” books for specific technologies but is it not more useful to learn how to solve problems in general rather than how to solve a particular problem with a particular product?

My bookmarks for July 24th through July 27th

My bookmarks for June 12th through June 17th

My bookmarks for May 14th through May 17th

My bookmarks for April 25th through April 30th

  • An elephant never forgets? George W. Bush’s lost e-mails – “The administration has chafed at external oversight and shown a tendency to come up with dubious legal justifications for ignoring laws it doesn’t agree with.” Just what is Mr Bush trying to hide?
  • WordPress 2.5.1 – I just upgraded to the newest version of WordPress. Looks good as far as I can see but let me know if you spot anything untoward.
  • Madonna, Hard Candy – “It’s about grooves rather than memorable songs, and Madonna just doesn’t make for a convincing soul diva [as she] sings them with the emotional engagement of a sat-nav suggesting a right turn onto the A23.”