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Tag: History

My bookmarks for February 8th through February 9th

  • The rise and rise of the cognitive elite – “It seems unfair that footballers, bankers and tycoons earn more money than they know what to do with whereas jobless folk and single parents struggle to pay the rent, notes Mr Saunders. Yet it also seems unfair to take money from those who have worked hard and give it to those who have not, or to take away the profits of those who have risked their life savings to bring a new invention to market in order to help those who have risked nothing.”
  • Jaguar E-Type turns 50 – Some designs can stand the test of time. The Jaguar E-Type is one of them.
  • iOS Debugging Magic – Some great iOS debugging hints.

My bookmarks for January 15th through January 18th

  • ‘should be cheaper than free’ – “I’m angry at the customers who send me nasty emails or reviews, threatening me with ‘telling Apple to remove it’ or rating it 1 star with a ’should be cheaper than free’ remark because after paying the ridiculously exorbitant 99c, they found it didn’t live up to expectations. "
  • Hurdie Ho! – Maybe you had to be there and read the copy of Your Sinclair that this was originally published in, but this still makes me laugh.
  • Museum looks at 2000-year history of the computer – The Computer History Museum was excellent even before this new exhibit. Recommended.

Nine Best Posts of 2010

I didn’t think that I had blogged very much this year, but now that I look back over it seems that I’ve done quite well. There have only been a few PhotoFriday challenges that I’ve missed and I’ve managed a fair few travel and even the odd technical blog.

None of this years blogs have done especially well in terms of page impressions but here are a few that I liked for various reasons.


Imperial Palace, Tokyo

At the beginning of October I visited Japan for the first time. I landed in Tokyo, travelled out to Mount Fuji and then west to Nagano Prefecture, finally heading back to Tokyo via Kyoto and Nara. It was a lot to try to pack in to two weeks but it worked out pretty well all things considered.

Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be documenting in words and pictures my trip, focusing mainly on the locations but with odd entry about the things that seemed constant throughout my time there.

My bookmarks for August 5th through August 11th

  • The origins of abc – “We will begin where civilisation began, meander through the Middle Ages, race through the Renaissance, and in doing so discover where our alphabet originated, how and why it evolved, and why, for example, an A looks, well, like an A.”
  • Icelander’s Campaign Is a Joke, Until He’s Elected – This is brilliant. “A polar bear display for the zoo. Free towels at public swimming pools. A “drug-free Parliament by 2020.” Iceland’s Best Party, founded in December by a comedian, Jon Gnarr, to satirize his country’s political system, ran a campaign that was one big joke. Or was it?”

My bookmarks for June 23rd through July 20th

My bookmarks for June 17th through June 22nd

  • June 22, 1783: Icelandic Volcano Disrupts Europe’s Economy – It’s not just 2010 where this was a problem…
  • WWDC – The Acceleration – “But at one point everything exploded and there was no way to keep up with all the new API:s and all the new things Java was attempting to do. I feel that we’re approaching that point with iOS (formerly known as the iPhone OS).” As someone who does this in my spare time, this is certainly something that I’m feeling right now!
  • I’m Comic Sans, Asshole – Your favourite font responds to criticism…

My bookmarks for June 2nd through June 6th

  • iPad App Pricing – Nice analysis of iPad and iPhone application pricing.
  • The Value of Ideas – “Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything.” Or actions speak louder than words.
  • The IBM Muppet Show – “IBM. The Muppets. Two venerable institutions-but not ones we tend to associate with each other. Yet in the late 1960s, before most people had ever seen a computer in person or could identify a Muppet on sight, the two teamed up when IBM contracted with Jim Henson for a series of short films designed to help its sales staff.”

My bookmarks for February 2nd through February 7th

My bookmarks for January 16th through January 22nd