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Tag: Graphics

My bookmarks for February 10th through February 14th

  • The Mac App Store: It’s an honor thing – “Apple’s approach is simple. It’s an honor thing. The company believes that, given the choice, people will do the right thing. It also understands that anti-piracy techniques don’t stop pirates, but they do get in the way of honest users.”
  • Nokia’s 15-year tango to avoid Microsoft – “[PC manufacturers] found it wasn’t worth the effort to differentiate their PCs from the competition, in what had become a commodity business.” The reason’s behind Nokia’s original decision not to licence code from Microsoft in the nineties hasn’t really changed, which makes today a sad day.
  • Doctor Who Infographic – Everything you ever wanted to know about Dr Who but were too afraid to ask…

My bookmarks for July 23rd through July 29th

  • Urbanized – After Helvetica and Objectified, Gary Hustwit’s next documentary is about the design of cities. “Urbanized looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design, featuring some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers.” Can’t wait.
  • 8-Bit Cities – This is awesome: maps of cities in the style of 1980’s video games.
  • iPhone 4 – Case Program – I’ve not had any reception problems with mine but I’m not one to pass up free stuff…