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Wordpress to Hugo

Welcome to the new site! To paraphrase Eric Morecambe: there’s all the same content here, but not necessarily in the same order.

Actually, that’s not completely true. There are a few posts with photos that I’ve not (yet) managed to migrate over. Most of those I’ve hidden, but there may be a few posts with breakages. Bear with me.

But what motivated this change? Largely it’s a desire for something a bit simpler. I do have misgivings about how it’s all being managed recently but, honestly, Wordpress the software when self-hosted is still really nice. It’s just… a lot. It’s a full CMS and supports all kinds of interactive stuff, magic SEO and a bazillion plugins (one of which I maintain).

But I don’t use any of that stuff. I don’t even keep track of the number of vistors.

Hugo has a bunch of nice templates and a lot of flexibility in terms of how the content is displayed. Data are stored in Markdown format files; nothing opaque or complex. You can add analytics, search, and comments, though I have not. One clever thing is that pages can have aliases, so most of the old URL structure should work even though it’s changed.

Anyway. In terms of reading content, nothing much should have changed. It supports desktop and mobile browsers, and there should still be an RSS feed. If you were one of the few to subscribe by email, I’m afraid that’s gone for now.

For the full history of, you can see the About page.