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Part of the Twenty Books in Twenty Days series.

Neuromancer” [affiliate link] probably needs no introduction. I may not reference it as often as Hitchhikers Guide, but if you know anything about me, I doubt you’d be surprised that I include it here.

When I first read it, I’d not used, maybe never even heard of, the Internet. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to plug my brain into a computer but the idea of a global computer-based hallucination is something we now all experience every day. Maybe not exactly as Gibson wrote. Well, hopefully not.

Probably the aspect that worked for me at the time was that it made computers cool. Being into computers at that time was definitely not cool. I’m not sure that ever bothered me a huge amount. I’ve never really chased being cool. (Probably just as well.) But a fiction where it is is obviously alluring at some level.