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Twenty Books

I’ve been following and participating in the twenty books in twenty days hashtag on Mastodon. It’s described as follows:

20 books that have had an impact on who you are. One book a day for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews, just book covers.

I’m going to cheat. I am going to explain my choices. The posts that follow are all part of the challenge. As with my annual reading lists, these are not reviews per se, more notes, observations or thoughts that occur to me as I read them.

There have been some great books shared. My choices sometimes feel pedestrian by comparison. I did consider including more worthy choices but I stuck to being “honest,” even if it cost me some Internet Credibility Points.

I don’t recall who (sorry), but someone posted about Mondo 2000. I’ve not thought about it for years, but I loved it at the time. At least, when I could get hold of it. At the time it wasn’t something you could get just by going to your local newsagent.