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This is

Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow

For a while, this book [affiliate link] was everywhere. It was recommended on podcasts. Every second person on the Tube was reading it. Friends suggested I take a look.

In the end, I added it to my queue at the library but its popularity meant that I had to wait six months for it to become available!

For various reasons, I wasn’t able to read it in the three weeks loan period. I could have waited another six months to read the end, but I was invested enough to buy a copy.

Maybe that’s all I need to say? As per the synopsis:

This is the story of Sam and Sadie. It’s not a romance, but it is about love.

Somewhat unusually, it’s a story set at work. Many books are about work in some sense – detective stories and so forth – but they typically focus on the job. Tomorrow is very much about the characters and how the work and personalities pulls them in different directions.

The work is developing games, and Gabrielle Zevin has clearly done her research. There are references to real franchises that correctly fit in place. And the process of software development is broadly realistic.

But it’s not really about the software or games or, even, work. It’s about the people. They’re believable, and well drawn.

So was it worth the hype? I’m not sure. I did enjoy it. It’s well written and an easy read. I bought a copy rather than wait six months to find out what happened, which feels like a recommendation. But I’m not quite sure how it ended up being everywhere. I guess much of it comes down to luck. At least it’s not another Dan Brown.