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Reading 2020

As with 2019, I had the goal of reading twelve books in 2020 and, again, I missed that target by one book. I finished “How To” on New Years Eve so I can’t even claim to have got close.

If I have a defence for missing the target, other than it being 2020 of course, it’s that a few of the books were quite long. Discussing politics apparently takes a lot of words.

Only one of the eleven books I read was non-fiction. It was… fine. I plan to read more novels this year.

As I look back on what I wrote, books being a bit meh, kind of fine, was a theme. I don’t think I read a bad book in 2020, one where I wanted the hours back, but many were quite forgettable.

Highlights? Unix: A History and a Memoir. Facebook. How to be a Liberal.

I’ve set the same challenge — twelve books — for 2021. Wish me luck. My past record suggests I’ll need it!