Having read “Ready Player One” and seen the film recently, picking Ernest Cline’s next book, “Armada” [affiliate link] was an easy choice. “Ready Player One” wasn’t my favourite book, but it was an entertaining read and that’s what I was looking for this time.
It pretty much exactly met those expectations. It’s well written and easy to read. There are all the retro-references you’d expect in a Cline book. The story moves along at a reasonable clip. The characters mostly make sense, though they could have been better developed.
My main problem is that the twists are so well sign-posted that they barely qualify. I suppose that just adds to the “easy to read” quality?
It’s not going to make you see the world differently or amaze you with new insight into the human condition. But not every book needs to do that. As a little light reading it totally hits the spot.