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This is

New New York

[“City of New York” drain cover]( ““City of New York” drain cover by stephendarlington, on Flickr”)

Last time I went to New York I wrote a reasonable amount about it so I’m not sure that I have much to add this time. Instead I’ll mainly just let the pictures do the talking.

The hotel I was staying in was not far from Times Square, so I passed through on a number of occasions. It’s always busy, especially early evening when this image was taken1.

Times Square at night

I always wonder about the artists who paint pictures and caricatures of passing tourists (I saw exactly the same thing in Montmartre the previous week). On the one hand they’re making a living from their art, something that probably most artists are unable to do. Yet I’m sure it’s not what they set out to do.

Caricature artist, Times Square

The following day I decided to cross this river and head into Brooklyn. Since I’d just read about it in Wired and because it’s a “classic,” I decided to cross over the Brooklyn Bridge.

Emergency on Brooklyn Bridge

As with all American monuments and significant structures, it has a flag flapping away at the top.

Under Brooklyn Bridge

Even half way across the bridge you get some great views back over Manhattan. And looking a little further left you can even catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty. But whenever you stop to look or take a picture you have to be very careful that you don’t walk into someone or that a cyclist doesn’t accidentally knock you over. The footbridge was very busy.

Empire State Building framed by the Manhattan Bridge, from Booklyn

Once on the other side I wandered around, had some excellent ice cream and considered my options for the rest of the day. While pondering I stumbled across this view of the Empire State Building through the legs of the Manhattan Bridge.

Back on the other side of the river I took a stroll near Central Park.

The following day I realised that while I’d seen the Empire State Building up close, I’d never really seen the Chrysler Building, which is nearly as famous, just as distinctive and only slightly smaller. I was looking forward to seeing the art deco interior but it was closed and I couldn’t get in. Instead I had to make do with this reflected shot of the outside.

Chrysler Building

Finally, on my final way back to the hotel with my camera, I realised that I’d seen a lot of these street vendors selling sun glasses and other “high end fashion at knock down prices”! I had to fire off a few shots.

Street vendor

And then it was back to the airport and home. Never a good thing but for some reason I was less affected by jet-lag than usual. In some sense, that made the weekend even better.

  1. I thought that “Live View” on my DSLR was a bit of a gimmick but it does allow me to take pictures like this where I wouldn’t be able to get my eye to the view finder. ↩︎