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This is

Oracle for Linux Installation HOWTO

This is the official home page for my Oracle on Linux HOWTO.

The current version is 1.18 and was released on 19 July 2003. It’s been a long time — nearly a year — since the last release which may lead you to conclude that it’s a major update. You would be wrong! I’ve added some text about “how to ignore that this document is out of date” and a few clarifications. (This may sound lazy, but it’s not possible to keep it completely up to date.) This update is mainly for the Linux Documentation Project rather than people that come here.

The HOWTO, in order to make the structure simple, is geared towards Oracle 8.1.5 and RedHat 6, 6.1, and 6.2. Your chances of success are much greater if your configuration is similar to this. If this does not mirror your configuration, look here. I may have an article that will get you further than the HOWTO alone.

Some people have also been kind enough to translate it into languages other than English. Currently, there is a Korean version (not perfect, according to Kwang-Ho, Yun, the author, but it is being maintained). There is also a Japanese translation (I’m not sure whether this is the official home). The most recent is Fernando Boaglio’s Portuguese translation. I’m reliably informed that Chinese and Italian versions are in the works, too. Watch this space…