- Turnabout is fair play – “This is so wonderfully, evilly devious. Superficially, it seems to support creationist methods—but what it actually is is a grand reductio ad absurdam.”
- Google’s Business Model – Who is the customer and what is the product? (via @daringfireball)
- Björk: ‘Manchester is the prototype’ – “Biophilia is the Icelandic singer’s new project – the word means ’love of living things’ – and promises to push the envelope so far you’ll need the Hubble telescope to see it.”
“Sharp Focus” is a surprisingly hard theme to find a good image to represent. A picture that was just sharp wouldn’t look much different from most other pictures. So, ironically, to show something in sharp focus you really need some contrast, namely some background blur. This picture, you can possibly guess, was taken last year at the top of the Eiffel Tower.
I’ve a feeling that I’ve used this picture for at least one PhotoFriday before, but I can’t think of a better image that I’ve taken that says “Wilderness” any better. It was taken in Yosemite from Olmsted Point.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Building.” I’m entry number 226.
Rumour has it that Yahoo! are looking for a new CEO. Some people have been putting their name forward for the role, or at least offering suggestions for Carol Bartz’s successor. This post is in response to Joe Stumps list of ideas.
To be clear, I know that list is not completely serious. I know that he’s not really angling for the CEO role and I understand that many of the options would not be achievable even if they were the best thing for Yahoo! That’s not the point I’m trying to make.
I have plenty of pictures of buildings, so this weeks PhotoFriday theme should have been simple. But finding the building rather than just a building was a little harder than I initially thought it might be. In the end I went for this picture of the Chrysler Building in New York.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Shade.” I’m entry number 166.
Welcome to the British Summer. Taken on my iPhone on Regent Street, just outside the Apple Store, this morning on my way to work.
- Apple Engineer Fashions Computer Out of Legos – I never quite got this advanced with technical lego…
- United Kingdom and Ireland as seen from ISS – Wow.
This is another week where I’m not completely happy with the image I’ve ended up using. Sure, in this picture of Paris showing the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, there is “Shade.” But is a shadow and shade the same thing? Not quite.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “People.” I’m entry number 223.
- Enough Is Enough – “The whole [Lodsys] thing is nuts. I can’t understand why our goverment allows this shit to go on. "
- Android App Removals Cast Doubt on Google’s ‘Openness’ – “It’s certainly more open than Apple’s platform. But really, that’s like being a taller midget.”
The cartoon1 for today’s Dilbert Day to Day Desk Calendar seemed appropriate for some things that are happening in the mobile software industry at the moment.
If you’ve not been following events — shame on you — then you can read all about it here. In summary, a number of small developers have been sued by a “patent troll,” that is a company that does not develop or make anything but demands royalties for the use of “intellectual property” it bought.