- Is Rick Perry a 21st-century Galileo? – No.
- Jobs Will Follow a Strengthening of the Middle Class – …or why “trickle down” economics — where the rich get tax cuts and everyone else magically benefits — doesn’t work.
- Don Norman: Google doesn’t get people, it sells them – “But in fact the advertisers are the users and you are the product.”
- The Problem With Online Ads – This is why I tend to buy apps I like, even those with free versions. I prefer being a customer to being a target for advertisers.
Cars, this weeks PhotoFriday theme, seem such every-day sights that it’s easy to think that they’re not worth taking pictures of unless it’s something exotic. However, for some reason, I was taking pictures of the local shopping centre, so I have this image of a bunch of cars.
There’s no need to feel guilty for not voting for me in last weeks challenge since I didn’t get the time to post an entry.
- Gallery: Iron Man, Other Pop Icons Become My Little Pony Sculptures – My Little Pony has a dark side too.
- What they’re “protecting” us from – “Every single person who’d attack Steve Jobs on any of these grounds is, demonstrably, worse at business than Jobs. They’re unqualified to assert that liberal values are bad for business, when the demonstrable, factual, obvious evidence contradicts those assertions.”
I thought it was worth writing about my experience converting my iOS Developer Program account from an individual to a company since a lot of people on Twitter were taking an interest. I can’t claim objectivity or that my experience will mirror yours, but hopefully you can be better prepared than I was.
First things first. Can you even make the transfer? Despite claims to the contrary, it is possible. I think the process is often confused with the ability to move applications or whole accounts between companies (which isn’t currently possible).
- Open Finder folder in Terminal – Ooh, neat. Almost worth upgrading to Lion for this alone. (Warning: not in the least bit true for most people.)
- Losing the HP Way – “In today’s world of MBA-managed companies, R&D is perceived as not being a good use of money.” And HP used to be a great engineering company. Sad.
- The IBM PC is 30 today – Look how far we’ve come in thirty years…
- photoshoplooter – I think this is a typically British response to the rioting currently going on around the UK this week.
I’ve been busy and not had the time to enter the last few PhotoFriday’s, but here I am with an image for the theme “Gold” (always believe in your soul). I have quite a few pictures with bits of gold (you’ve got the power to know) in them, but here, in Kyoto, we have a whole pavilion that’s made of the shiny stuff.
I have just moved ZX81.org.uk to a new web server for reasons that are too dull to explain here. The good news is that it should be faster and, hopefully, more reliable than before. The bad news is that there are still a few things that I need to do before we’re 100% whole again.
The main gap is where you’d normally expect to see a picture you might see the word “photopress.” This is because a WordPress plugin that I used to use no longer works on my new server. I’ll gradually move everything over to… something that works. Unfortunately there is a deadline and there was no way that I was going to get everything ready in time.