This took me a while to figure out so I thought it was worth blogging about. The short version: I’m using Core Data with iCloud syncing and it works… mostly. When starting up for the first time — when there is already data in iCloud — none of the data appears in a table view, but restarting the app correctly displays it.
I know what you’re thinking: you’re not merging the updates into the right managed object context. Nope. Sorry. Thinking that was the problem is probably why it took me quite so long to track the real problem down!
The “Climate” — this weeks PhotoFriday theme — in Oslo, Norway is typically cold and wet. Even the statues have large jackets on.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “My life.” I’m entry number 46.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “My Life.” Things are going pretty well at the moment, so… life’s a beach. (Sorry, bad joke.)
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Best of 2013.” I’m entry number 101.
It’s always hard to pick the best picture for a whole year (“Best of 2013“). How can a single image capture the whole year?
Really I would have to include a picture of my son, as much of the year feels like it’s been chasing after him, trying to stop him fearlessly leaping off tall and dangerous things. But I didn’t feel that any single image captured that.
It’s a cliche to ask where the year has gone but it’s no less true this year than any other. Life has got in the way of blogging more than usual — moving house, a toddler, work — with only 23 posts this year and only one of those making my “most read” list.
Talking of which, these are the most read blogs this year:
- iOS Developer Program: from individual to company
- iPhone Dev: Saving State
- Do Apple take 40% in the EU?
- AQGridView to UICollectionView
- Old Fashioned
Probably my favourite blog of the year was “What to do?” but I posted it a little too late to get the readership that I would have liked.
You can get a measure of my life this year when when you realise two things: my trip to Brittany was the first time I took much more than a week off work in two years; and we went in June and July this year. It’s taken me nearly six months to even start to write this. And not even I know how many times I had to revise that last sentence so that it’s accurate now!
The only thing that would have made it bigger would have been if the Doctor Who fiftieth anniversary show was on the same day. But I had to wait another day for that.