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Tag: Travel


Flying to Corsica

As I fly over it, I note the vivid blue-green colour of the water as it glistens in the midday sun. This is not the Mediterranean as I approach Corsica but the English Channel shortly after leaving from London City airport. It’s amazing how the sun enhances even the most seemingly mundane scenes.

It’s three hours and a change of plane in Paris before I see Corsica for real. In fact it was cloudy and only visible for the last few minutes of the descent. First impressions: very hilly, mountainous even. The cream houses scattered near the coast are attractive and give the impression of a place that is in the south of France or Tuscany.

Worst. Car. Ever.

As is necessary when you travel to the US, I hired a car. It’s always tricky to hire a small car in America — only in the US could an SUV fit in a “small car” parking space — but I dismissed all their attempts to get me to upgrade. Maybe it was some form of revenge, but I ended up with a Chrysler P.T. Cruiser. Not terribly small. But actually terrible.


![No Horns, Galle, Sri Lanka]( "No Horns, Galle, Sri Lanka")
No Horns, Galle, Sri Lanka

This weeks PhotoFriday theme is Loud. Here is my entry.

It must be loud in Galle, Sri Lanka otherwise they wouldn’t need these “no horns” signs. This picture was taken on Kodak ISO400 print film, hence the heavy grain.

Please vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, Vacation. I’m entry number 137.


![Menton, France]( "Menton, France")
Menton, France

This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Vacation.” Here is my entry. When most people think of ‘vacation’ they think of a beach holiday. This image is of Menton in France.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge. I’m entry number 91.


![Rushhour on the Himalayas, Tibet]( "Rushhour on the Himalayas, Tibet")
Rushhour on the Himalayas, Tibet

This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Barren.” Here is my entry. This picture was taken on the Tibetan side of the Himalayas on the last day as we were about to head back into Nepal.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Busy.” I’m number 278 (“–> Stephen <–“).


![Despite the climb and ungodly hour, Adams Peak is a popular spot for tourists and pilgrims. Sri Lanka.]( "Despite the climb and ungodly hour, Adams Peak is a popular spot for tourists and pilgrims. Sri Lanka.")
Despite the climb and ungodly hour, Adams Peak is a popular spot for tourists and pilgrims. Sri Lanka.

This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Busy.” Here is my entry.

This image was taken as the sun rose over Adams Peak in Sri Lanka, after our night climb to the top. Despite the unsociable hour, it was incredibly busy. Some of the older folk were very competitive, pushing us out of the way for a prime spot to see the sun-rise.