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Cycling from Czech Republic to Germany: Decin to Pirna

Maybe it’s being born on and spending most of my living on an island, but there’s always something a little special about crossing a land border. Today I would be crossing from the Czech Republic into Germany.

D??ín housing

But first I stock up on supplies and check out the main attraction in Děčín, a castle. It dates back to 1305 and, unfortunately, looks like it. It’s had many and varied uses, but the last occupants, the Soviet army, did not leave it in pristine condition. They are busily working on restoring it — from a distance it looks great — but there is an awful lot of work still to do.

Cycling in Czech Republic: Litomerice to Decin

I start the day with a quick look around Litoměřice. I return to the main square where I had dinner the previous night. Here the main feature is the town hall which has a chalice shaped watch tower on the roof, apparently used for meetings by local leaders. From the top — which just had to be climbed — there was a three hundred and sixty degree view of the whole area.

Cycling in Czech Republic: Melnik to Litomerice

In some respects this was a difficult day. Not so much the cycling I’m happy to report, but I did start the day with the worst hotel breakfast that I’ve seen in a long time. I couldn’t get out of the hotel and onto my bike quickly enough. Later in the day I would visit an old concentration camp, which was not entirely fun either.


Cycling in Czech Republic: Prague to Melnik

As the first day of cycling there’s an argument that today should have been easy, just to get everyone into the habit. But no, on a week where the average length of ride is 46km, today would be 50km. And that’s 50km with two steep up-hill bits, not 50km all flat or down hill.

Cycling from Prague to M?lník

Or at least it would be once the bikes arrived. Although scheduled to appear around 8.30, the mini-bus transporting them failed to come until well after ten meaning that I didn’t get under way until after eleven.

Prague, Czech Republic

I actually had plans to visit Prague on my previous visit to Continental Europe but the various transportation options didn’t quite work out, meaning that this was the first time that I’d made it to the Czech capital.

Tube station in Prague

My visit here was the bread to my cycling sandwich. I started and ended my trip here, so the pictures that follow were taking on two consecutive weekends, over three days.

Cycling from the Czech Republic to Germany

Cycling from Prague to Meißen

I’ve noticed a trend. Every time that I come back from travelling and write a blog about it I start with the words “only a fool would…” Spend a whole winter in Norway? Check. Three countries in one weekend? Count me in! Christmas in Iceland? Absolutely.

This time it was cycling from Prague to Meißen, nearly 230km or around 45km a day. If you get on your bike regularly that might not sound like much, but I’m what you’d call a fair weather cyclist. And the weather in the UK this summer has been neither fair nor summery. So as I sat on the plane at Heathrow I was both nervous and excited. I would get to see a lot of great towns and scenery en route, but I’d have to work for it.


![Police parade, Plac Pilsudskiego, Warsaw]( "Police parade, Plac Pilsudskiego, Warsaw")
Police parade, Plac Pilsudskiego, Warsaw

My entry for this weeks PhotoFriday is this image of a Police exercise in Warsaw, Poland.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Old Fashioned.” I’m entry number 248.

Old Fashioned

![An old American car, Trinidad, Cuba]( "An old American car, Trinidad, Cuba")
An old American car, Trinidad, Cuba

This weeks PhotoFriday is “Old Fashioned.” Here is my entry. You really can’t beat Cuba for that retro, old fashioned look, and here is a great example of a 1950’s American car, still apparently in use and in great condition.