- Why you should join the war on paying for hotel Wi-Fi – This has always bugged me, even when I’m not paying with my own money. Why should I pay the equivalent of a months home broadband for one evening if surfing?
- All Languages Have A Common Root? – “Atkinson said the world’s 6000 languages descended from a single ancestral tongue spoken by early southern African humans between 50,000 and 70,000 years ago.”
Tag: Speech
- Afghan Student Sentenced to Death After Downloading Report – Good to see that the invasion of Afghanistan has resulted in more freedom for the locals…
- Forget passports – teachers and kids are the new ID card targets – Despite the loss of personal data and despite the fact that they will not (and cannot) do what the Government says they will, the ID Card scheme is still not completely dead.
- The True Cost of SMS Messages – “How come technology, communication, and infrastructure is getting cheaper while the costs of SMS messages are increasing exponentially? My theory: SMS messages are transfered over air made of solid gold.”