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Tag: Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Pico: Temperature Sensor

Last time, I talked about setting up my Pi Pico by soldering on the GPIO pins and wiring up an LCD screen. Having something work is obviously no fun. I need another challenge.

I decided to update the display to show the current temperature. I’d read that the Pico has a built-in temperature sensor, so how hard could it be?

I quickly took the sample code from the Pico website and plugged it in. It ran first time, which is quite impressive, and said that it was currently… 10º.

Raspberry Pi Pico: LED Display

It’s been a productive weekend, at least if you consider doing unnecessary things productive.

For reasons that won’t become clear any time soon, I decided that I wanted to get some of my Arduino components working with my new Raspberry Pi Pico. Like the Arduino, but unlike other Pis, the Pico is a microcontroller. In practical terms – for a programmer at least – this means it doesn’t have a “proper” operating system like Linux but it does have lots of inputs and outputs, both digital and analogue.

Unsociable Christmas Tree (Part 2)

Back in 2020 I talked about my Raspberry Pi powered Christmas Tree. Today’s blog delves into what I’ve done this year.

Previously, I decided that setting up a web server on which family members could change the light patterns on the tree was too boring. At the time, I was thinking of extending the sample Python code – much as I did with the OpenCV frontend – with a simple Python-based web server.

Unsociable Christmas Tree

Last year I got myself a Raspberry Pi-powered Christmas Tree. It has eleven LEDs, and you can program the Pi to switch them on and off.

Naturally, doing all that takes time, and last year I just didn’t have very much. I just downloaded the sample project and set it up with a random flashing pattern.

It amused me, anyway.

This year I wanted to get a little more sophisticated. I decided that it should be interactive. My first thought was a web server where people could connect using their phones and change the LED patterns. Then I thought better of it. Because of COVID we have no guests, rendering it far less interesting. Also, setting up a web server is hardly very exciting.