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“Why?” It’s rapidly becoming the question that people ask when I announce my next travel destination, and my Christmas in Iceland trip was no exception.

To be fair I did have doubts. Having spent a winter in Norway a few years ago I was expecting short daylight hours, cold and snow. And it was Christmas so I was expecting a few things to close. But I was also expecting some wonderful, directional light, ideal for photography; I was expecting crisp, blue skies and pristine snow; I was expecting cozy bars and restaurants; and I was expecting to see the Northern Lights.

Camera Gear

It slightly bugs me that the first thing a lot of people ask about my photography is what camera I use. I tend to think that it’s the photographer that counts rather than which particular machine you use, but, still, it’s a popular question and so here is the answer.


FEATURES: Reasonably compact (by SLR standards!), simple and quick to use, intelligent feature-set

After my positive experience with the EOS300, this was the obvious choice for my first digital camera. And the first thing to say is that there’s nothing wrong with the 300D, it’s just that…


![Girls chat in the street, Trinidad, Cuba]( "Girls chat in the street, Trinidad, Cuba")
Girls chat in the street, Trinidad, Cuba

Friends, leaning against a car chatting. This was in Trinidad, Cuba in 2004. Taken on my Canon EOS300D with 18-55mm lens. Come back next week and vote for me, I’m entry 432.

Please vote for my entry in last weeks “Four” competition! I’m entry 494 (–> Stephen <–).

New York, 2006

The company where I (currently) work is always trying to get people to transfer over to the New York office. There are a number of personal reasons why I didn’t want to do that, however the main reason was always that it — basically — just didn’t appeal. It really didn’t seem to be very much different from London, where I currently live, but, well, more. So when I visited New York in April I was not expecting to like it very much.