This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Best of 2007.” This is my entry.
This is what I consider to be my best picture of 20071 which, of course, isn’t exactly what the theme suggests. It was taken in Wadi Rum, Jordan.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Sunrise.” I’m entry number 59.
Currently. It changes on an hour-by-hour basis but I’ll not change this picture now that I’ve posted it. ↩︎
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Sunrise.” Here is my entry. This was taken after a night-time climb up Mount Sinai in Egypt. Hard work but worth it in the end!
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Primitive.” I’m entry number 68.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Dead of Night.” Here is my entry.
This was taken using my old film SLR, on black and white film, in Vigland Park, Oslo. I’m not sure it was actually dead of night, but the place was empty and the specks in the sky are stars rather than dust.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Two.” I’m entry number 291.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Two.” Here is my entry.
This image was taken in?Kandy, Sri Lanka. One of the first pictures I ever took on an SLR, it’s still one of my?favourites.
Last weeks PhotoFriday theme was “Travel.” If you’re observant you’ll notice that I didn’t make an entry despite most photography on my site being travel related and that’s because… I was travelling at the time!
In the next few days (maybe weeks depending on how busy I am!) you’ll be seeing some of my experiences in Jordan and Egypt. Keep your RSS reader primed…
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Dangerous.” This is my entry.
This picture is for my wife. In fact, I’ve no idea what kind of snake this is, or whether it’s dangerous or not, but people are often scared of them. This image was taken in Vietnam.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks competition, “Strength.” I’m entry 122.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Strength.” Here is my entry. A bunch of Tibetan prayer-wheels may seem like an odd choice, but they give the faithful strength in the face of adversity
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Silence.” I am entry number 300.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Silence.” Here is my entry.
I think this image, taken in Galle, Sri Lanka, speaks for itself!
Please vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “The City.” I’m entry number 109.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Purple.” Here is my entry.
This is a picture of an aubergine (eggplant) that we’re going to be eating in a curry very shortly! My tripod has gone walk-about so this was taken using an image stabiliser making it less sharp than I would have liked.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Insignificant.” I’m entry number 224.