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Tag: PhotoFriday


Sheep at Stone Henge

Not sure why but this weeks PhotoFriday theme, “Fluffy,” was pretty hard. I thought of clouds. Of cotton wood (urgh). I don’t know, but none of that really worked for me. I’m not sure that a sheep fits the theme any better, but that’s what I’ve entered. This was taken on a trip this year to Stone Henge.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Architecture.” I’m entry number 251.


Empire State Building framed by the Manhattan Bridge, from Booklyn

My first ideas when I first heard that this weeks PhotoFriday theme was “Architecture” was New York. I flirted with other places and ideas — such as the Eiffel Tower and a couple of shots from Vienna — but I kept coming back to the sky-scrapers and bridges of Manhattan. In the end I picked this one because it has Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building.


Chrysler Building

In fact I’m not completely happy with this image, at least for the theme of “Reflect,” which is this weeks PhotoFriday challenge. It’s a reflection but I’m not completely sure that it means “reflect.” But I couldn’t find one (or think of one to take) that would be more appropriate, so here it is. It was taken earlier this year in New York — it’s a reflection of the Chrysler Building in the building across the road from it.


Daybreak,” this weeks PhotoFriday, is a tricky challenge for me. I’m much more likely to be around at sunset than at day break. What can I say? I’m just not a morning person. But I will concede that getting up early, or at least not sleeping well, was worth it to see sunrise over the Himalayas.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Round.” I’m entry number 229.


I thought that this image of some slide film would be appropriate for PhotoFriday this week. It works (to my mind) for two reasons. First, the theme is “Round” and the shape of the film canister is, well, round. Secondly, Fuji Sensia is in the news as it has been discontinued. It’s quite sad news. In the days before I went digital it’s the film that used the most.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Warm.” I’m entry number 195.

The Street

This weeks PhotoFriday, “The Street,” was one where, unusually, I had quite a few options that I was happy with. In the end I figured that it had to be somewhere where pretty much all of life happens on the street. There were a few images taken in Vietnam that came close, but I like this one in Havana, Cuba, because everyone was completely oblivious to my presence; life goes on even when there are nosey tourists with cameras.

Photoshop Skills

I nearly didn’t take part in this weeks PhotoFriday challenge, “Photoshop Skills,” as I’m not a big Photoshop user. I tend to tweak images, enhance the colours, maybe a little dodging and burning, but nothing that would show my Photoshop skills — the whole point of my edits are normally that you can’t see them!

Then I remembered that I’ve spent quite a lot of time over the years trying to make the perfect panorama. The above image, taken in Siena, Italy, is perhaps the best that I’ve managed. (I’ve used a variant of this one before for PhotoFriday.)

Best Friend

For this weeks PhotoFriday, “Best Friend,” most people seem to have gone with pictures of their slobbering dog or grinning, cutesy couples.

That’s not my style.

I found these ducks in a hotel in Zurich, the yellow one in the bathroom, the chocolate one on the bed. I thought it would be nice to introduce them. They got on famously until one came to an unfortunate, albeit tasty, end.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Crooked.” I’m entry number 187.