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Tag: Iphone

www.cut 2.0

A new version of my handy URL shortening app for iPhone and iPod touch has just hit Apple’s App Store. Please go and download it — it’s free!

![]( "www.cut main screen")
www.cut main screen

I’ve added to the services that were supported in the previous version and now www.cut supports nine shortening services:

Also new in version 2.0 is a “URL Scheme.” This is a technical name for something that’s very useful. Picture the scene: you’re in Safari and you want to send the current URL to www.cut. Previously you had to copy the URL to the clipboard and manually launch it. Now, all you need to do is add “wwwcut:” to the beginning of the URL and www.cut launches automatically.

Giving Back

A few years ago I was very much “into” the whole open source movement. I read LWN (still do, actually). I bought a copy of The Cathedral and the Bazaar.

But one thing I never really did was contribute to open source projects. I never really had much need. They largely did what I wanted and when they didn’t, well, the modifications were too big to consider attempting in my spare time.

My bookmarks for September 19th through September 21st

My bookmarks for September 16th through September 19th

  • Protest The Pope – My images from todays “Protest the Pope” march and rally in London.
  • Introducing: Yummy 2.5 – New version of Yummy, my iOS client, is now available on the App Store. Now includes iPad support, works better on iOS4 and has experimental support.

My bookmarks for July 23rd through July 29th

  • Urbanized – After Helvetica and Objectified, Gary Hustwit’s next documentary is about the design of cities. “Urbanized looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design, featuring some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers.” Can’t wait.
  • 8-Bit Cities – This is awesome: maps of cities in the style of 1980’s video games.
  • iPhone 4 – Case Program – I’ve not had any reception problems with mine but I’m not one to pass up free stuff…

Delicious Debrief (Part 5/5)

## The story so far

Last year Yahoo! announced, with no notice, a significant change that had far reaching consequences for all third party applications including my iPhone program, Yummy. This is the third in a series of posts that discusses how I dealt with it.

We’ve already talked about most of the work, starting with an overview, the announcement, the low level technical challenges and the implementation (technical and UI). All that remains it to launch it, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Delicious Debrief (Part 4/5)

## The story so far

Last year Yahoo! announced, with no notice, a significant change that had far reaching consequences for all third party applications including my iPhone program, Yummy. This is the third in a series of posts that discusses how I dealt with it.

On Monday I gave an overview of the problem, Tuesday I looked at how those changes were announced and why they were tricky, and yesterday I looked at how I actually implemented those technical details.

Delicious Debrief (Part 3/5)

## The story so far

Last year Yahoo! announced, with no notice, a significant change that had far reaching consequences for all third party applications including my iPhone program, Yummy. This is the third in a series of posts that discusses how I dealt with it.

On Monday I gave an overview of the problem and yesterday I looked at how those changes were announced and why they were tricky. Today we’ll look at how I actually implemented those technical details — though not at the code level so don’t worry if you’re not a programmer!

Delicious Debrief (Part 2/5)

## The story so far

Last year Yahoo! announced, with no notice, a significant change that had far reaching consequences for all third party applications including my iPhone program, Yummy. This is the second in a series of posts that discusses how I dealt with it.

Yesterday I spoke at a high level about my iPhone application and some changes that Yahoo! made to their side of the system. Today I’d like to talk in a little more detail about how those changes were announced and why they were tricky.