- Why I am an amoral, family-hating monster…and Newt Gingrich isn’t – “So, just a suggestion: if you want a relationship that lasts, don’t rely on god, lawyers, and social pressure to force it to work. Love and reciprocal trust are the only chains that last, and the only ones that make you feel happy while wearing them.”
Tag: Christianity
- Pope merchandise – “The pope is visiting the UK soon, and the merchandise is already on sale, but it’s rubbish. This week’s challenge is to show the Vatican what they should be selling to mark the occasion. God will be delighted.” (via @bengoldacre)
- The Creativity Crisis – “The age-old belief that the arts have a special claim to creativity is unfounded.” It’s always bugged me when people refer to ’the creatives’ when talking about designers or artists. This is why! But back to the article… it’s interesting that you can “teach” or at least encourage creativity.
- No sense of humour at all – “Personally, I’d love to see the Pope in a debate on abortion, where he would actually have to address difficult questions and defend his own ideas. Best idea yet would be a debate on various controversial topics, like birth control, abortion, the role of women in the church, and homosexuality…with the Pope on one side, and Stephen Fry on the other. It could be perfectly respectful, and it would be hilarious.”
- Audio slideshow: Hubble’s first 20 years – Amazing. Beautiful.
- Do liberals read only liberal blogs? – The dangers of the “long tail…” I deliberately go read Daily Mail headlines on a regular basis just to check that I’m sane. The moment I start to agree, please shoot me.
- Confessions of an Introverted Traveller – “We introverts have a different style of travel, and I’m tired of hiding it.”
- Towel Day – Celebrating the life and work of Douglas Adams – Do you have your towel with you today?
- Jews: No Jesus, No Reason, Just Whining; They’re Motivated by Anger and Boohoo Victimhood – “Now… if I actually believed that, I’d be called every name in the book. And rightfully so. Those are ignorant, bigoted, hateful remarks. They’re also wildly stereotypical and extremely inaccurate. When Charlotte Allen says the exact same things about atheists, however, she gets published in the Los Angeles Times.”
- Welcome back, Palm – “After years in a persistent vegetative state, Palm has come roaring back with a gadget that’s going to prove hard to beat in 2009.” Not sure it’s that good, but competition for Apple and RIM is always going to be a good thing.
- The UK government’s plans to retain email data and rate online content will cost too much, destroy business, liberty and must be stopped – start making placards – The title pretty much says it all (though the rest of the article is also worth reading).
- ‘No God’ campaign draws complaint – “Organisation Christian Voice has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority saying they break rules on substantiation and truthfulness.” Sometimes I read the headlines in my RSS feed and think it must be in NewsBiscuit or The Onion…
- Are You Better Off than You Were 2,000 Years Ago? – The next president of the United States of America? If only…
- Apple unveil iNvisible iBook – Even more Apple announcements this week. Kind of.
- How to Spot Arial – I never realised that Arial and Helvetica were so different!