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This is

That was 2013

It’s a cliche to ask where the year has gone but it’s no less true this year than any other. Life has got in the way of blogging more than usual — moving house, a toddler, work — with only 23 posts this year and only one of those making my “most read” list.

Talking of which, these are the most read blogs this year:

  1. iOS Developer Program: from individual to company
  2. iPhone Dev: Saving State
  3. Do Apple take 40% in the EU?
  4. AQGridView to UICollectionView
  5. Old Fashioned

Probably my favourite blog of the year was “What to do?” but I posted it a little too late to get the readership that I would have liked.

I’m surprised that it’s my more technical posts that have had the greatest readership as, in general, I don’t write very many of them. Maybe I should look to do more of that next year? But with a toddler running around and another baby on the way I largely suspect that 2014, on the blogging front, will look a lot like this year.