I took a pretty literal interpretation of this weeks PhotoFriday theme, “Best of 2011.” I guess I could have used something that signified highlights of the year on a global scale, say my exclusive and so far unreleased images of Osama bin Laden and Gaddafi, but, frankly, nothing better signifies 2011 to me than the birth of my son a few weeks ago.
Category: PhotoFriday
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Depth Perception.” My entry was taken in a hotel in Frankfurt. I didn’t have my “proper” camera with me but I think my iPhone did a respectable job under the circumstances.
I didn’t post an entry to last weeks challenge, but I’m sure you voted for me in the previous weeks!
I wanted something big and chunky for this weeks PhotoFriday, “Rugged,” and the best thing that I could think of was the truck that we took from the countryside in Cuba back to some semblance of civilisation.
I’ve not entered the last few weeks of PhotoFriday challenges, so there’s no need for you to vote for last weeks photo.
This weeks PhotoFriday challenge is “Little.” My entry is a little traffic jam, taken in Covent Garden market.
I didn’t have an entry in last weeks challenge so you don’t have to feel guilty for not voting for me.
For this weeks PhotoFriday, “Slick,” I was going for the ‘superficially impressive’ meaning of the word. To be fair, I have no reason to believe that these guys are not deep and meaningful types… They were seen in Tokyo last year.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Animal.” I’m entry number 220.
This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Animal.” This animal was fast moving hence the slight blur but it was amazing to see this little fellah at such a short range. This was in Kamikochi, Japan. (I really wanted to include a picture from the Muppets but, for obvious reasons, I prefer to use one of my own images…)
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Inside.” I’m entry number 186.
I thought for this weeks PhotoFriday theme, simply being “Inside” wasn’t quite enough. It had to show being inside which also implies that there’s an outside visible. So, here I was in Ireland, sat inside the car, waiting for the rain to subside. I thought that that made this a decent entry.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Glowing.” I’m entry number 184.
This is about as “Near” — this weeks PhotoFriday theme — as I really want to get to a crocodile. Or alligator. Which ever this one is. It was in a farm, behind a fence, in Vietnam but still looked like a formidable creature.
Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Cars.” I’m number 193.
Cars, this weeks PhotoFriday theme, seem such every-day sights that it’s easy to think that they’re not worth taking pictures of unless it’s something exotic. However, for some reason, I was taking pictures of the local shopping centre, so I have this image of a bunch of cars.
There’s no need to feel guilty for not voting for me in last weeks challenge since I didn’t get the time to post an entry.