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Category: PhotoFriday

From my window

Assholes who park across my driveway (part 349)

I know this picture isn’t going to win any prizes, but it’s literally true that it’s a view “From my window,” which is this weeks PhotoFriday theme. Instead it’s one of a series of shots I called “Asshole who park across my driveway” that I created last year when I was working from home a lot. Because we have our own space and don’t often have a car parked in it, people assume that they can just use the space in front. Really annoying those times where we do have a car to park…

Inner City

D??ín housing

This weeks PhotoFriday theme is “Inner City,” the meaning of which varies depending on where you are. In the UK and some other places it often refers to a slightly run-down, residential part of a a city, which is the meaning I’ve gone for with this shot, taken the Czech Republic.

I didn’t post an entry to last weeks challenge so there’s no pressure to vote for me this time!


Chrysler Building

One thing that distinguishes New York from other large cities is how high it is. Even the small buildings have a dozen floors; they’d be considered quite large even in London. So I thought that a picture from New York, here of the Chrysler Building, would fit the bill for this weeks PhotoFriday theme, “Tall.”

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Greenery.” I’m entry number 157.


Snow, Tahoe Meadows

This weeks PhotoFriday theme, “Pristine,” is a word that I always associate with clean, white, untouched snow. I’ve only ever been skiing once and, since I spent most of my time falling down, I didn’t have my camera with me very much. So instead, I have the above image, taken near Lake Tahoe. The snow, despite it being July, is still pretty much untouched.

Day’s End

[“Hobgoblin” beer]( ““Hobgoblin” beer by stephendarlington, on Flickr”)

What better way to celebrate the end of a hard day than a relaxing glass of beer? Well, that’s what I think anyway, and so it was the first thing that sprang to mind when I saw this weeks PhotoFriday theme, “Day’s End.”

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Best of 2011.” I’m entry number 121.