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Category: PhotoFriday


We see symbols pretty much everywhere, both graphic symbols and metaphorical ones. Lots of other entries to this weeks PhotoFriday went for the metaphorical option — indeed my first thoughts were crosses, minarets, the pyramids, stone henge — so I decided to head in the opposite direction with this instruction painted on the pavement of the Brompton Cemetery.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “The Coast.” I’m entry number 223.

The Coast

I know I say this every week, but I had difficulty picking my image for this weeks PhotoFriday theme, “The Coast.” And that’s because my first reaction was, well, any picture with the sea or ocean in it. Then I realised that “The Coast” is a little more specific than that; it may be where the water meets land but, to my mind at least, it doesn’t conjure images of a beach. Hence this picture take towards the end of my week in Corsica, in Porto.


It’s spring in the UK so you can only imagine the difficulty I had finding a suitable recent image for this weeks PhotoFriday, “Sunshine.”

In the end I went back a couple of years to when we were in Egypt. This picture is from a rather stormy day in Alexandria. As you can see, the sun broke through the clouds with spectacular results.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Wheels.” I’m entry number 193.


An old American car, Trinidad, Cuba

I know I’m bucking a trend here by posting this on a Friday, but here is my entry for this weeks PhotoFriday, “Wheels.” Okay, this car has never been my set of wheels, but this is a really neat car that’s in amazing condition considering its age. Before I went to Cuba I assumed that cars like this were only visible on postcards. I quickly found that they’re all over the place. They’re also far less glamorous and practical when you get inside. Great fun though.


You’d think that living the UK I’d have no trouble whatsoever with the PhotoFriday theme “Overcast.”Except, with so much choice, well, which do you choose?

Ultimately I thought this image from our Christmas in Iceland fitted the bill rather better than anything I could find from the UK.

Please also vote for my entry in last weeks challenge, “Blurred.” I’m entry number 263.


This weeks PhotoFriday was a tricky one for a couple of reasons. Firstly I don’t have very many pictures of “Children” or even anything child-like. Secondly, most of the pictures that I do have I wouldn’t want to use. Thirdly, most of those that didn’t fall into the previous two categories I’ve already used for previous challenges!

In the end I settled on this image I took in southern Vietnam. I got the impression that they don’t get a huge number of tourists around there. They were very curious of us but also very nervous and wouldn’t come much closer than what you see in the picture.