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My bookmarks for January 16th through January 22nd

My bookmarks for December 29th through January 10th

  • Google Android Personal Thoughts – “Uniformity is not a word you’ll find in Android’s dictionary. How about the fact that the application icons aren’t the same size. Uh, why? Since there’s no transparent padding around the icons … there’s no uniformity in the touch areas when you go to tap on an icon.” These things probably don’t seem important to Google but the attention to detail is what makes the iPhone (usually) a pleasure to use. I’ve not used an Android handset but these things would bug me pretty quickly.
  • Japanese Photographer Bends Electricity to His Will – Beautiful.
  • The Cost of Care – Nice graphic showing the relationship between the cost of healthcare and life-expectancy.

My bookmarks for December 22nd through December 27th

My bookmarks for December 9th through December 21st

  • exactly – “What if it’s a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?” Looks like we’re not going to find out because of a few hold-outs…
  • A Typeface for the Underground – Design and typography on the London Underground. Fascinating stuff.
  • Britain to Levy a One-Time Tax on Banker Bonuses – “To a large extent the levy underpins a quite broad understanding here — even among those generally sympathetic to the industry — that bank profits this year were largely subsidized by the government due to historically low interest rates.” The best discussion I’ve seen of today’s pre-Budget speech is, bizarrely, in a US paper.

My bookmarks for December 4th through December 9th

My bookmarks for November 16th through December 1st

  • The November Plan – Post now updated with my recent trip to Austria.
  • Apple’s Mistake – “How much of the goodwill Apple once had with programmers have they lost over the App Store? A third? Half? And that’s just so far. The App Store is an ongoing karma leak.”
  • The Daily Shoot – A great idea to help people (myself included!) to take more pictures. I think a lot of us have the will, just not the time or inspiration. Time is hard but inspiration just got a little easier.

My bookmarks for November 6th through November 10th

  • News Corp to Offer Plaid Stamps! – “Giving Murdoch the benefit of the doubt, then, I’m guessing he simply doesn’t mean what he said. Perhaps he just wanted to sow a little confusion, get some publicity and maybe a concession or two from Google.”
  • The night the Berlin Wall fell – “For me it was that rare occasion when a story was unqualified good news. After years watching the way communism was practised, I felt no need to mourn its collapse. Whatever came next had to be better.” Twenty years since the fall of the Berlin wall.
  • OMG Ponies!!! (Aka Humanity: Epic Fail) – “The real world has failed us. It has concentrated on local simplicity, leading to global complexity. It’s easy to organise a meeting if everyone is in the same time zone – but once you get different continents involved, invariably people get confused. It’s easy to get writing to work uniformly left to right or uniformly right to left – but if you’ve got a mixture, it becomes really hard to keep track of. The diversity which makes humanity such an interesting species is the curse of computing.”

My bookmarks for October 23rd through October 28th

  • Darwin teaching ‘divides opinion’ – Very depressing. This isn’t hard. Creationism and Intelligent Design is not science and therefore has no place in the Science classroom.
  • Share the Memories: Happy 8th Birthday iPod – I didn’t get mine until January 2002 but it was worth the wait. After a series of tape and CD players that never quite lived up to the promise, the first gen iPod really did change the way I listened to music. Plus it still works, which is more than can be said for my fifth gen iPod…

My bookmarks for October 12th through October 16th

  • Palm Pre smartphone – “So you’re after a smartphone, you’ve got money to burn and an obvious decision to make: this or the iPhone. No other touchscreen smartphone is even in the running. The Pre has some obvious advantages. It’s a bit smaller than the iPhone and ‘Synergy’ works well, which could prove useful if you’re more familiar with Facebook than the concept of Gmail or an Exchange server. But weigh it against the iPhone and it’s hard to recommend.”
  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide Turns 30 – Still one of my favourite books.
  • Cat registered as hypnotherapist – To be fair, cats do seem to convince people to pet them and feed them without any apparent pay-back. Maybe they do hypnotise them?